To commission me to doodle something, email
-Gavin Mouldey

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Random stuff

A random post of commissions and doodles and a tub of coconut ice cream...

Monday 19 August 2019

Updates shmupdates

I stopped putting stuff here,. Not sure if I even need a blog or website anymore. Stuff’s on my instagram or twitter or facebook.

Anyhoo, here’s something. Started an unscripted/unscheduled/unplanned/unkempt, panel-by-panel #comic. It might go nowhere...

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Timelapse doodling

A time-lapse doodle I did for Warehouse Stationary. Not sure where or when it played, but those prices might not be current. this was the last of many attempted doodles. I started off just doodling something different for each take, and had a lot of false starts from smudges, drawing out of shot, inappropriate content (beheaded robot space snake) and just not liking the results. Then I decided to sketch out a plan. The brief was simply to draw something with Sharpies, then photograph it with the new Samsung.

The final art...

and roughs concept doodles...

2018 catch up

Realised I didn't post any art from 2018. So will do some doodle dumps.
First, a bunch of stuff for the Ministry Of Ed.

Illustrations for a sci-fi story by Renata Hopkins in the Lvl 3 Connected...

A 2-part time-travel story in the Lvl 2 School Journals 2017 & 2018, by Sarah Johnson...

And some sharks, from Lvl 3 School Journal 2018...